We see so much rapid change in our lives everyday, from technology to fashion trends. But even as things are constantly changing some things never do.

With only three weeks left until the entire country is consumed by costume parties and candy seeking behavior, Hatch’s Halloween Countdown continues. Next, let’s talk Grand Canyon snakes!
Whether they’re growing out of Medusa’s head or crawling through the eyes of jack-o-lanterns, snakes definitely have a reputation in the Halloween scene. Their ability to slither through cracks and crevices can be unnerving. And the venomous bites some species can administer probably don’t help endear many people toward these creatures. However, most snakes aren’t harmful to (or even interested in) humans. AND they help keep populations of smaller scurrying creatures, like mice, under control.
Gopher snakes are non-venomous but do their best to imitate rattlesnakes as a defense mechanism. Photo: Natural History Archive, Creative Commons collection.
The two most common species of snakes in the Grand Canyon are gopher snakes and common king snakes. Neither species is venomous, so if you run into one of these guys, you have nothing to worry about.
Gopher snakes are Arizona’s longest, getting up to 92” in length—more than 7 ½ feet long! They range from tan to an orangey-brown with red, brown, or black splotches on their backs. When threatened, a gopher snake will sometimes raise its head and neck like it is prepared to strike. They may even vibrate their tail to imitate a rattlesnake, making it easy to mistake.
King snakes are up to 56” long (over 4 ½ feet long) and black with white or yellow bands. During the hottest parts of summer, a king snake may become nocturnal. When threatened, they will coil into a ball, hiding their head in the center.
The Grand Canyon Rattlesnake, also know as the Grand Canyon Pink Rattlesnake, only exists in the Grand Canyon area. They tend to rest in cool shady areas and aren’t likely to strike unless threatened. Photo: Flickr user sonoran_sasquatch.
The Grand Canyon is also home to a variety of rattlesnakes—6 in all. They are the Southwestern speckled rattlesnake, the Northern black-tailed rattlesnake, and four subspecies of the Western Diamondback (the Grand Canyon pink rattlesnake, the Great Basin rattlesnake, the Mojave “green” rattlesnake, and the Hopi rattlesnake).
Of these, the Grand Canyon pink rattlesnake is the most common. It lives only in Grand Canyon. Over time, this snake has adapted to its environment by developing a pinkish tint. This allows it to hide among the pink rocks throughout the canyon.
If you come across a snake on your Grand Canyon rafting trip, give it plenty of space. Photo: Bryan D. Hughes.
If you encounter a snake on your trip (no matter what kind), the best policy is to give it a wide berth. The snakes that live in the canyon have no interest in biting or chasing down humans. Some won’t even stir when you walk past them. Others will stand their ground when threatened, but will leave people alone who give them their space. Keep your eyes open, and if you happen to find a snake—especially a rattlesnake—in your path, the best thing to do is walk far around it. In the unlikely event that you are bitten, alert your guides immediately and they will decide the best course of action.
Snakes, like most Halloween creatures, don’t deserve the bad reputation they have. Most of them abide by a live and let live sort of philosophy. If you respect them and their space, you’ll have nothing to worry about. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to see one of these creatures moving through the desert–watching that kind of grace and strength, you’ll wonder why they are feared at all.
Book a trip today to witness these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat!
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