We see so much rapid change in our lives everyday, from technology to fashion trends. But even as things are constantly changing some things never do.

As October 31st draws near, Hatch’s Halloween Countdown continues. We’ve told you about the bugs and snakes you may encounter on a Grand Canyon river trip, but there’s still more to come! This week’s topic famously found literary acclaim in 1845, but has been featured in the myths and legends of cultures around the world since long before that.
These birds’ distinctive, croaking voices and dark feathers have been drawing the attention of storytellers for ages, with appearances in everything from Greek mythology and the Old Testament, all the way to today’s popular book and television series, Game of Thrones. Ravens have been creators, tricksters, bridges between the worlds of the living and the dead, omens of good luck and bad. Their diet of carrion (dead animal carcasses) lends them well to the creepiness we associate with Halloween. Of course, the popularity of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven” didn’t hurt the image:
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore!”
Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
You’ll find the ravens on your trip have little interest in reminding you of lost lovers, though. Instead, they’re much more inclined to hover around your lunch stops and campsites, picking up your leftover bits of food from the sands. The probability of theft in the Canyon is pretty low, but guests should be aware of the ravens. Make sure to keep your duffel zipped – ravens would love to unpack for you and steal any shiny trinkets.
Ravens are flying garbage collectors, but we still appreciate them in Grand Canyon. Drawn for Hatch by Carlton Stoiber, 2013.
These corvids are highly intelligent, having problem solving skills at the same level as a human child up to seven years old. They also can plan for the future, use tools, have a good memory and even recognize specific human faces.
Ravens are often mistaken for crows, but can be distinguished from them by their larger size and thicker bill. They also have square tails (as opposed to fan-shaped), and they “croak” while crows “caw”.
Book a trip today to see these guys and tons of other wildlife in the majestic Grand Canyon!
Grand Canyon river trips start at Lee’s Ferry. This historic river crossing and its partner, Lonely Dell ranch, hold a rich long history.
The upper Grand Canyon is full of all sorts or wonders to see. Here are just four of its countless treasures!
At the halfway point of your trip you’ll pass underneath the Kaibab Suspension Bridge. Let’s take a look at how this incredible bridge was built.