We see so much rapid change in our lives everyday, from technology to fashion trends. But even as things are constantly changing some things never do.

In our opinion at Hatch, there is no bad time to be on the river! However, different times of year appeal to different people for a variety of reasons. We’ve detailed the main features of each month that guests take into consideration when choosing the time of year to book their river trip.
*** Hatch can never guarantee the conditions on your particular trip. Mother nature has a mind of her own and often surprises us with her unpredictability. ***
April is an excellent time to see beautiful spring flowers in the Canyon!
Weather – The temperature is cooler in April, making it perfect for hiking focused trips. The cool temps make longer, more strenuous hikes safer than they would be in the mid-summer months. Weather can be pretty unpredictable in April, ranging from clear and sunny to cloudy and windy. Because of this, we greatly recommend packing layers! The average high and low is 82 and 56 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.
River Clarity – In April, river clarity can vary depending on whether there have been spring showers or a particularly wet winter with spring runoff bringing silt and debris into the main channel of the Colorado River. While it is typically clear, mother nature makes no guarantees.
Crowds – In April, the Canyon is pretty quiet. School is still in session and the cooler weather means that you’ll see less traffic on the river and at points of interest.
Not too hot, not too cold: May is juuuuust right. Perfect for an oar trip!
Weather – The weather in May can vary a lot. It is often cool and can be windy at the beginning of the month, warming up as the month goes on. If you want to avoid high temps, May can be a great time to book your trip! May’s average high and low are 92 and 63 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.
River Clarity – Similar to April, the river is usually running clear this time of year, but can be muddied by a late spring runoff.
Crowds – May is one of the busier months in the Canyon, as it heats up and school kids start summer break.
Our busiest month for bookings, June boasts warm weather and a green Colorado River.
Weather – June tends to be hot and dry, but not as hot as the Canyon gets! The average high and low are 101 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.
River Clarity – June is the perfect month if you are set on having a clear, green Colorado River beneath you, and beautiful side streams for swimming!
Crowds – Similar to May, June is a busier month in the Canyon. This is the perfect month for a family vacation!
July is the first of our “mid-summer” months. Enjoy our mid-summer discount and the opportunity to catch a desert monsoon!
Weather – July is the hottest month in Grand Canyon, and is often the start of monsoon season. We welcome the rain to the desert as it cools down the temps and creates beautiful rim waterfalls that are not there other times of year. In July, the average high and low are 106 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. The highest temperature recorded at Phantom Ranch at the bottom of Grand Canyon is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The high heat makes the 50 degree river feel great!
River Clarity –Once monsoon season starts, silt begins to enter the main channel of the Colorado River from side streams, giving you a picture of what the river used to look like before Glen Canyon Dam was constructed. This is when the river gets its famous chocolate milk coloring.
Crowds – Another month perfect for getting the whole family together for a trip! July can be a busy month in the Canyon, but the number of trips and individuals in the Canyon is strictly regulated by National Parks Service.
Another month to catch an epic rim waterfall and experience the vibrancy of the desert after rain. Enjoy our midsummer discount all month long!
Weather – August is most similar to July, but with a higher chance of monsoon rains. August’s average high and low are 103 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.
River Clarity – Just like July, you can normally expect a brown Colorado River in August.
Crowds – Kids go back to school this month, so the Canyon gets a little less busy.
September is the end of motor season and many of our guides’ favorite month on the river! It’s quiet and temperatures are coming down; the perfect way to wind down the season. Hop on an oar powered trip, or a hiking focused trip!
Weather – Temperatures start dropping and the Canyon continues to become cooler as the month goes on. The average high and low are 97 and 69 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively.
River Clarity – As monsoon rains lessen, the Colorado River and its tributaries becomes clearer.
Crowds – Kids are back in school and the Canyon becomes less busy. Motor season ends mid-September so the Canyon gets quieter.
Book YOUR perfect trip today!
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