11 Things Only a River Rat Will Appreciate

11 Things Only a River Rat Will Appreciate About Grand Canyon Rafting



The following situations might only be appreciated by a rare breed of river rats working in Grand Canyon. From tan lines to sand, nothing compares to these fantastic things. And do we ever appreciate them!



1. Sandal tan lines – Whether they are from Chacos, Tevas, or flip flops, time in the Canyon leaves a lasting impression on your feet! Seriously, a mean sandal tan is like a symbol of a job well done after a full river season spent under those glorious rays.


2. Life jacket tan lines – Same theme continues. Many people strive to avoid tan lines like the plague. A true river rat knows the importance of that life jacket and couldn’t be happier to display the farmers tan.


3. Beaver condiments – That whole grain mustard is seriously one of the best condiments on the planet. Talk about spicing up a sandwich way better than normal mustard ever could.


hatch guests enjoying a lunch by the colorado river

The best sandwiches are always after a hot hike.


4. Cowboy coffee with sand in it – That bit of sand that trickles down to the bottom of your mug is just extra minerals for the day. When back home surrounded by fancy coffee options, the luxury of enjoying coffee made from the river water haunts our memories and makes us wish we were back on the river.


5. Peeing outside – This can be the most liberating experience of the whole trip. The ability to take care of business under the sun or stars is more than just a bit therapeutic. Just make sure to wave if another raft floats by while in the midst of this essential function. It’s like earning your stripes as a true river rat.


5. Part 2: the groover views – You’ll never get better views while taking care of nature’s calling.


guy sitting on a groover toilet with pants still on during a river trip

Nobody can top this view. Except us. Tomorrow night.


6. Callouses – Especially during river or adventure season, going to get a pedicure and having them remove those hard worked for callouses can be a real bummer. Hard work went into forming those bad boys. Plus they make hiking and rowing a million times easier than soft and supple hands or feet.


7. The taste of sunscreen – This just means it is working. Layers upon layers of sunblock are applied on every single river rafting trip. On the feet, shoulders, ears and of course the face. That itty bitty drop of lotion that migrates towards the lips and on to the taste buds is a real sign that you are doing it right.


a river guide demonstrates how to appropriately apply sunscreen to his face while on a raft on a sunny day in Grand Canyon

Hatch guide Carlos demonstrates how to protect your skin from the intense Grand Canyon sun. Photo: Storey Welch.


8. Sun hoodies – Because re-applying sunscreen everywhere all summer long is a real pain. We love staying covered in these cool, quick drying hoodies!


9. Sleeping outside – Real river rats appreciate this more than one might think. The cool breezes coming off those rapids upstream coupled with the magnetic stars above pulling attention upwards and away from reality. No need for counting sheep here.


Night Photo Taken in the Grand Canyon of Photo Lag Burning Stick

One of the best views in the world. Photo: Storey Welch.


10. Quick dry shorts – Though perhaps not the best fashion statement in places like New York City or Los Angeles, these beautifully engineered creations are one of the comfiest items on that packing list. Perfect for getting wet or swimming in and conveniently dry just in time for that hike. Technology has come a long way since heavy, wet denim and cowboy boots, and river rafters are thankful it has been applied to clothing as well.


11. Carabiners – This one little item might be one of the best inventions of all time for any Grand Canyon expedition. Talk about a multi-use tool that has been a lifesaver more than once. Whether to clip a bag or a cup to the raft, there can never be too many. And now they come in patterns like camouflage or leopard or rainbows – oooh pretty!



Experience the magic of the little things in Grand Canyon yourself – Book a trip today!